There are also a number of nationally run events within 50 miles of the Philadelphia area. Visit this page for a list of these national events.
Media PA Chess Club
- G/60 d/5 (60 minutes per side with a 5 second delay).
- Register by 7. Attend when you can
- 110 S Lemon St. Media, PA 19063
- club web site
- Tournament Results
Mainline Chess Club, Admore, PA
- USCF rated swiss, one round an evening. Join any round
- G/60 d/10
- Register by 7:15. Attend when you can
- Mainline Chess Club
- St George’s Episcopal Church located at 1 W Ardmore Avenue in Ardmore PA
- Tournament history
West Chester Club Swiss
- Every Thursday - One can join the swiss any time! Every 5th week, a quad is run!
- Register by 7:15. Attend when you can
- G/100 d/5
- Club web site for directions and more information
- 1st Presbyterian Church, 130 West Miner St, West Chester, PA
- Tournament history
Visit this page to see time and dates of upcoming events in PA
Visit this page to see time and dates of upcoming events in NJ
The following are events you will typically find. Timing in the month varies:
Main Line Chess and Games, Paoli PA quads
- Open and scholastic quads once per month
- Tom Bartell, 732-685-7460
- Location: 7 South Valley Road, Paoli, PA 19301
- Tournament history
- web site
- Facebook page
- Contact Tom to get on his mailing list as events may not be listed on the above USCF page
Hershey USCF Scholastic and Open Quads
- Open and Scholastic quads
- Contact Leteef Street, email for events or check this page
- Held at the Hershey Public Library, 701 Cocoa Avenue, Hershey, PA
- Tournament history
- Contact Leteef to get on his mailing list as events may not be listed on the above page
SJIC Scholastic Chess Quads
- Open and Scholastic quads
- Visit this USCF page and scroll down to the SJIC listing for details (several listings for different days)
- South Jersey Innovation Center
- Tournament history
- contact Joshua Anderson,
- Contact Joshua to get on his mailing list as events may not be listed on the above USCF page
- Primarily scholastic events
2nd Saturday Quads by Masterminds of Philadelphia
- Quads: 3RR, G/85,d/5. EF: $30 cash; winner $100. Reg. ends 9AM
- Club web site
- Email:
- Address: Tech Freire Charter School, 2221 N Broad St, Philadelphia, PA
- Tournament history
4th Saturday Quads North East, MD
- Register by 9:45, $24
- John Anderson, cell phone 302-593-3752,
- UMC Church of North East.
- pizza provided. G/90, d5.
- Tournament history