Nearby Scholastic Chess Clubs

This page lists chess clubs whose players are primarily scholastic players, typically 13 or younger.  To view a list of chess clubs whose members are primarily 14 years or older, visit the nearby chess club page.  As always, please confirm with the contact for the club that the date and time is still correct. - Many chess club and school programs in the Philadelphia area

Chess at Delaware Libraries

  • Many locations, different times
  • Primarily Scholastic

Shining Knights Chess for kids

  • Instructional classes at many area elementary schools and townships
  • Different days and times in Southeast Pennsylvania
  • Also hosts scholastic tournaments
  • Contact Cindy at 484-228-8457 or visit the site using the above link


Delaware Valley Chess Club - Mondays 6-8

  • Park Avenue Community Center, 121 Park Ave, Swarthmore, PA
  • Mostly very young kids (and lots of them!) learning chess.
  • contact: Tony Durkin, (610) 909-9921,


Tri-Bridges Chess Club, Exton, PA


Main Line Chess and Games - Wednesday starting at 6PM


Chess Champs of Delaware - Thursdays starting at 7PM